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Copy a Report
This help tutorial describes how to Copy a Report to another user. If you have a report in your account that another user would like to use, you can copy the report to the user. This will put an exact replica of the report in their account. However, it will not always display the same information. A user will only be able to see records that they have access to in a report. Also if you select an option like "Myself" for scope then the set of records that another user owns will be different.
Reports > Share > Copy a Report
Publish a Report
This help tutorial describes how to Publish a Report to another User or Group. Publishing reports give you the ability to make any report that you have available to any of the users in your account. You can either Force the Report or give the user the option to subscribe to the report. It will be a read only Report for the user. If any changes are made to the original report that was published, those changes will be reflected in the accounts of the users that are subscribed to the report.
Reports > Share > Publish a Report
Copy a View
This help tutorial describes how to Copy a View to another user. You can copy any view that you have to any of the users in your account. This will place an exact duplicate of the view in the same module of the user(s) you select. The user who you copy the view to will have the ability to edit the view.
Views > Share > Copy a View
Exporting a View
Views > Share > Exporting A View