Subscribe to a Report
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Reports > Subscribe > Subscribe to Report

After a user has published a report to you, you are able to subscribe to that report. This will allow you to view it, but you will not be able to edit the report. Keep in mind that if they forced the report to you, if will always be there for you to view. This guide will explain how to subscribe to a report. In this example, the administrator has published a report called "Copy of Above Ceiling - Active," to me. I want to go in and subscribe to it.
Note: The process for subscribing to a dashboard it very similar to this. You will follow the same steps, just with a dashboard.

    To Subscribe to a Report:

  1. Click on the reports module, then subscriptions. You will see a page that shows everything that has been shared with you.

  2. Check the box next to the report or dashboard that you would like to subscribe to.

  3. You will now see this report/dashboard under your home tab in the reports module.