HTML Editor Overview
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Administration > Documents > HTML Editor Overview

The HTML Editor is a tool that is used to create documents, templates, forms, tabs, and many other things within the application. This article will cover the basics of the editor and some of its uses.

    General Overview
    As mentioned above, there are several locations where the HTML editor is used. There are unique options that pertain to each of those cases. This section of the overview will use screen shots from Create a Document Template tool.

  • Text Area:

    This is where you will type/create the content of the document. Many of the functions available are the same as what you would find Word or another word processing document. You can also insert images from your image gallery.

  • Merge Fields:

    The pane to the left is where you can drag fields and other elements from your module into the document. First, select the primary module you'd like the document to relate to. Here, we chose Building. Once that is selected, the panel below the drop down fills out with options. First, you will see fields from the primary module, then fields from the parent modules.
    Next, you'll see miscellaneous items. These are things like page breaks, data tables, and other items.
    Then you can pull in information about the current user and related reports.

  • Bring in the fields and objects by dragging them into the text area. After you drag the element in, text will appear. Later, when you create documents from this template, or use for something else, the app will replace that text with information from the record.

  • Reports:

    You can pull reports into the text area, too. There are two types of reports you can pull in, Related Reports and Filtered Reports. Related Reports are the normal reports. When the document is created, it will the report you chose to put in. Important: Only information related to that record will be displayed in the report. Filtered reports are mostly used in Workflow Emails. In these cases, the primary module of the workflow must match the primary module of the report.

  • Header Area:

    This area varies depending on where in the app you are using the editor. These are some of the options that are usually there. This area is not always there.

    Get Content From: You can create a template from another document. This would be for situations for when you want to make a few changes to an existing document.
    Template Name: Name the document or template.
    Template Label: A sort of category for what you're creating. You must put something here. You can create one by clicking, "new."
    PDF Options: Check this for more options that will be useful if you plan on creating PDFs with this.
    Subject: When you can put the subject of an email.
    Campaign: You can relate an email template to a email campaign.

  • View HTML:

    If you would like to view/edit the actualy HTML for the document, click the icon at the bottom left of the text area. The View HTML panel come up.

  • Data Tabe/PLI Start and End:

    You can have a PLI or a Data Table that you'd like to add into the document/template. First you need a table inserted into the text area. Then, you drag the "Data Table Start," or "PLI Start" element into the first field. Then, drag the "Data Table End," or "PLI End" element into the first space after the table, not in the table.