About Data Silos
Data Silos provide the ability to segregate data to users based on their location. This functionality is an added layer of separation to be used in conjunction with Roles and Groups. If enabled, the system will (by default) confine the access of a user to data that is connected to their location. Exceptions can be managed as well to allow access to data at multiple locations.
Reasons to Use Data Silos
Data Silos allows you to filter records users can see based on location. Each user will be assigned their respective location when setting up a user. Each record referencing that same location will be made available to them. Records with any location other than the user’s location will be hidden from view (exceptions may apply, see Step 4).
Data Silo Example
A large organization may have multiple campuses and responsibilities are divided up by campus. Therefore, as a user in eAppTrack, I am assigned to the Hollywood location. I will be able to see only records within the system that are associated with the Hollywood location.
Special Circumstances
- If a Location reference field is left blank then only users listed as exceptions will be able to see the record (see Step 4). To prevent this, ensure the Location reference field is required so that it will never be blank. In addition, make sure that the relationship fields to the Data Silo Control Module are required. For example, if you have two modules Campus (Data Silo Control Module) and Building, you will need to make the relationship field Campus in the Building Module a required field. This will ensure that you don’t have unrelated records to the Data Silo Control Module.
- If a module is not directly or indirectly related to the Data Silo Control Module, then it will follow the normal sharing that you have set up. For example, general information that you would want all locations to have access to would fall into this category.
- Data Silos will also limit the selections in one to many relationship fields (drop downs) that are associated with the Control Module. For example. If you have a different question set for each location, when a survey is scheduled the user will only see the questions that are applicable to their location.
Data Silos can be created and managed by eAppTrack Administrators. Learn how to enable Data Silos below to help filter records to those only relevant to that user.
Establishing Locations
The foundation of Data Silos lies in the Locations system module. You must first setup all locations that data will be filtered by prior to enabling Data Silos.
- Navigate to the Administrator layor by clicking the wrench icon.
- Expand the My Company Profile menu, then click Locations.
- By default, a Headquarters location will already be available. Click Add Location to enter your additional branch offices.
- Enter the location Name and other applicable fields.
- Click Submit and continue for all locations.
Creating your Location Reference Field
The Locations system module then needs to be associated with the module that will drive your Data Silos. Follow the steps below to add a Location reference field to your Module.
- Navigate to the Administrator layor by clicking the wrench icon.
- Expand the Modules menu, then the Form Manager menu. Click on the module you have chose to control Data Silos.
- Click New Field in the Module Field section to the left.
- Fill out the form by entering a Label for the field, making the field Required, selecting Reference as the field type that links to Company: Locations.
- Drag your new field from the Module Fields box to the form layout.
- Click Save Form Layout.
Enabling Data Silos
Now you're ready to turn the data silos on.
- Navigate to the Administrator layor by clicking the wrench icon.
- Expand the Users menu, then click Data Silos.
Step 1 - Control Module
The first step is to determine the single module that will control the location based access to data. This module must have a direct or indirect attachment to modules you want to adhere to the Data Silo functionality. This module must also contain a Reference field that is connected to Locations.
- From the drop down Data Solo Control Module select your applicable module.
Note: Only modules with a Reference Field will display.
Step 2 - Mapping
The next step is to map out the relationship order for the modules that will participate in the Data Silo.
Step 2 allows you to skip a step when you are setting up views and reports. If you are setting up a view in a module that is indirectly related to the Data Silo Control Module, you will need to join this module to the view in order to see the appropriate records. Step 2 allows you to make this connection in the background so that you can select just the module (without joining it to the Data Silo Control Module) and it will adhere to the Data Silo. All Modules with no direct relationships to the Control Module need to be mapped in this section. The mapping must include all related modules where data needs to be segregated.
- Click add map next to Relationship Maps to add each mapping.
- From the drop down, select the top module in a relationship (only modules with a relationship will be available in the drop down).
- If the module selected first has related modules, a second drop down will appear for you to continue mapping. The drop down will only list related modules.
Note: once you have mapped out a module, you will not need to reference it again. The Data Silo will use the first one listed when it comes to that specific module. It is read from left to right.
- Continue to complete your mapping of additional modules that you wish to segregate using Data Silos.
Step 3 - Enable Segregation
The next step is to enable this functionality. As long as users are tied to locations, and the effected modules are correctly related to the Control Module, checking the box below will enable this feature. Additionally, you can select the Apply Data Rules to All User Controls option below if you would like user related controls to follow the Data Silo mapping as well.
- Check the box Enable Data Silo Functionality when ready/applicable. This simply activates the Data Silo segregation. Unchecking the box will Disable Data Silos.
- Check the box Apply Data Silo Rules to All User Controls in order to apply Data Silos to the Users system module (Team Member/User Controls). This simply extends the Data Silo segregation to the Users module. For example, if you check this box, a user could go to "My Team" and only see other users at thier location. It will restrict the people they see to just their location.
- Click Update Changes.
Step 4 - Exceptions (Optional)
The final step, if needed, will be to specify users that are exceptions to the Data Silo segregation. Users can be added individually, by Role or by Group.
- Click Add Exception
- Select the User, Role, or Group that you wish to be an exception to the Data Silo segregation from the drop down list. Continue adding Exceptions as necessary.
- Continue adding all necessary exceptions.
- Click Update Changes.