EC Tour Help Article - iOS
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To download the app and fill out an EC Tour:

1. Click on the the App Store icon on your iPad or iPhone.

2. Search for “eApp”. You can then click on the download icon. Once you have downloaded it you can click on Open. Or you can navigate to your Home Screen and click on eApp.

3. Enter your username and password then click on “Sign In”.

4. This will bring you to your Home Page. The Home Page will show you every App that you have access to. Click on "EC Tour".

5. This will bring you to the EC Tour Dashboard. The first report that shows up will be the Upcoming EC Tours. You will notice that the Graph corresponds with the report being shown. If you click on any of the graphs, the reports below will change. In this example we are going to click on the record "Facilities".

6. This will load your survey. Please note, it may take several seconds for your tour to fully load. Once it has loaded you can click on a question to answer it. The answer portion is on the right hand side. With an iPhone, you will need to click on the question. The answer portion will then show up as you can see in the screenshots below.

7. You can now click on the answer, make any comments that you want, and then take pictures if needed. The "Resolved on Site" and "Create Work Order" check boxes will be discussed in a later screenshot. Once you have answered the question, you can click on the next one.

8. If you click on the next question you will be able to enter your answer, comments, and take photos. In this example, we found a deficiency but it was resolved on site. We want to document the issue as deficient. In order to do this we answer the question No and mark "Resolved on Site".

9. You can now click on another question. In this example, we found open penetrations above the ceiling in the department. We need to notify the appropriate person. In order to do this we check "Create Work Order".

10. Once you have completed answering all of the questions, you can click on “Done” in the top right hand corner. This will initiate the sync of the data into our system if you have an internet connection.

This will take you to the Dashboard. You can navigate back to the Home Page by clicking on "My Apps".

You will see the status of the sync. When it says 100%, the sync has completed.