Hidden Fields
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Administration > Form Manager > Web Forms > Hidden Fields

Hidden fields can be used when creating web forms. Hidden fields allow you to have fields on your web form that are not seen by users when filling out the form on your website. You can have these fields automatically populate information when the information is imported into eAppTrack. An example of this would be having a Record Owner field automatically populate as "web," or "web form," so you can remember where the records are coming from.

It is Necessary to alter the HTML code of the web form to create a hidden field. You will need an HTML editing program and a basic understanding of HMTL code.

    To Create a hidden field:

  1. The first step is to create the web form in your eAppTrack account. Make sure to include the fields you want hidden. After creating the web form, copy the HTML code associated with the form. If you are unsure how to create web forms, see our Creating Web Forms help article here.

  2. Next, paste the HTML code into your HTML editing program.

  3. Locate the line where the field is that you would like to make hidden. You should see the name of the field in the code. At the very end of the line that has the field, you will find the input properties of the field.
    Here is an example:

    The name of the field is in the middle of the line (Record Owner) surrounded by ">" and "<".

    The name of the field that I will make hidden in this example is called Record Owner. The part of the code that we will be working with is the very last section on the line surrounded by "<" and ">".

    Depending on the field type and field name, this section may not look exactly like the line above. Either way, you should see the system name of your field after "name=", which in this example is "recordownerx".

  4. The first thing we need to do is make sure the first word in this section says "input". If the field is a text box, it should already have input here. In this example this field is a drop down and reads "select". We need to replace "select" with "input".

  5. The next step is to make the field type hidden. To do this, all we need to do is add "type=hidden" right after the word "input".

  6. The next step is to designate the value that you want to populate in the hidden field. To do this, add "value=" after the entry we added in the last step (type=hidden) and also the value you would like to populate in quotes. In this example, we will put the value "Web" in the record owner field. So here we will add "value="Ben Affleck"".

  7. If the field type is a drop down, you also need to delete any lines below that contain the original choices for the drop down. In this example we had drop down that had three values: Web, Phone, and Friend. In the HTML code, these lines look like this:

  8. You will want to switch to the design view of your HTML editor program. The field will now hidden. However, you will still see the name of the field on the form. From here you can delete the text that is the name of the field.

  9. Then you may want to move the field to the bottom of the form so there is no spacing in between your fields on the form.