Creating Form Layouts
In a module, it is possible to create various form layouts. This might be helpful if you would like different roles to see different information in the same record. It also may be helpful for creating web forms. The primary form is the defaul for that gets created. Everyone will see this form layout if you do not create new layouts.
To create a new layout:
- Open the Form Manager from the module you would like to create the additional layout for.
- There are a couple options for creating new layouts. We will look at "New Layout," and "Clone Layout." For more information on "Multi-Page Layouts," click here.
New Layout: This will create a blank layout that you can name and then add fields and form objects to.
Clone Layout:This will create a duplicate form from the current form you are looking at. This will allow you to make small adjustments without having to rebuild the entire form.
Either way, you will be taken to a new page.
- Give the new layout a name.
- Once you have named the layout you can add the appropriate fields then click "Save Form Layout".
- You can always go back and edit the layout by selecting it from the drop down, make changes, then click "Save Form Layout".
- To manage which users see this layout, click the wrench, click users, roles, then choose which layout you would like each role to use.